Legal, Sustainability & Compliance_en

We're not only interested in quarterly results. We think long-term and believe that our commitment to sustainability is not some distant goal, but a mindset, reflected in our daily actions and choices.
Legal, CSR & Compliance have the responsibility to guarantee the protection of the company interests and intellectual properties by analyzing all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. They sometimes are going for the unknown and try to provide new solutions and policies which will satisfy our stakeholders and meet our business goals. 


Sustainability & Compliance

We're not only interested in quarterly results. We think long-term and believe that our commitment to sustainability is not some distant goal, but a mindset, reflected in our daily actions and choices.

Legal, Sustainability & Compliance have the responsibility to guarantee the protection of the company interests and intellectual properties by analyzing all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. They sometimes are going for the unknown and try to provide new solutions and policies which will satisfy our stakeholders and meet our business goals. 

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